
About the Study​

What are we hoping to achieve? ​

The Assured study aims to understand how to best support patients who attend the Emergency Department with self-harm and/or suicidal ideation. We have developed an intervention and, if it is effective, it may be rolled out in Emergency Departments across England.

Who is it for?​

The study aims to support patients who self-harm and/or have suicidal ideation. This means individuals who have attended the Emergency Department for the first time, as well as those who may attend more often. We will provide staff training in therapeutic assessment; safety planning; and follow up support using solutions focused approaches. By providing staff with training in techniques shown to best support these patients, as well as supervision, we hope to support staff to feel better equipped to offer high quality care to people presenting in distress. Finally, we hope to create a more efficient means of supporting patients in crisis and to reduce reattendance to the Emergency Department, which will lead to cost-saving for the NHS.

Unfortunately, due to how the study is designed, we are unable to take self-referrals to take part. If you are currently struggling with self-harm and/or suicidal ideation, please visit our ‘get support’ page: Get support – Assured (

What is the timeline for the study?

Assured is a six-year project which began in May 2019. It consists of six Work Packages.

What outcomes will be assessed?​

We will assess whether the intervention leads to reduced re-attendance to the Emergency Department for self-harm, by comparing re-attendance in those participants who have received the intervention with those who receive treatment as usual. We will also measure other outcomes including: mental wellbeing; quality of life; and satisfaction with the care received

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